The Llamas of WRL
General Llama Info
Our llamas carry on average 60 lbs (they can carry up to 100 depending on llama size and conditioning). They have soft padded feet with two nails allowing them to negotiate a variety of terrain and can go anywhere you can go without the assistance of hands!
Llamas travel on average 2 miles per hour and an average of 14 miles per day.
They are browsers, not grazers. Along with grass, you will see them eating willow leaves, flowers, bark off of a tree, camp scraps, and a variety of other things. They are efficient ruminants meaning we do not have to not take extra feed on the trail. Even if they are related to camels we ensure that they get water daily.
Yes, they spit…… each other. Llamas that spit or kick at a person have been badly abused. Spitting is their way of telling something/someone to getaway. The llamas at WRL respect humans because we respect them as well. They work hard for us so we ensure that they are consistently saddled well, not overworked and well-fed.